
Research - Chosen Song Lyric Analysis

Once you have decided on the particular track from your chosen album that you want to produce a music video for, you need to complete a lyric analysis for this song.

Get a copy of the lyrics for the song and read them several times. 

Complete a lyric analysis for the song in which you reflect on the questions below. You could do this the old-fashioned way with a pen and paper or be more creative and use new technology in some way. Perhaps you could even film yourself analysing the lyrics orally?

I have included below a few questions to get you started. Try to approach this task individually before perhaps seeing what others have to say about the song's meaning. It may be that you can find something the artist themselves have said about the song's meaning but don't look for this until after you have given the song consideration yourself. There are lots of website out there that allow people to discuss song meanings so you could go to these at some point.

  • What is the title of the song?
  • What is the significance of the title itself? Does it encapsulate the song's meaning?
  • What is the song 'about'? 
  • What happens in the song? 
  • What questions does it ask or what story does it tell?
  • Is there a chorus? If so, is this significant?
Create a post titled Chosen Song Lyric Analysis and include your analysis together with an explanation of how you went about doing this.