You need to listen to all the songs on your chosen album. There are numerous ways to do this - you can buy a physical copy of the album (a bit old school!) or get a digital copy via iTunes or other download services.
If you are a bit of a cheap skate you can always listen to the album via an online streaming service or even via the artist's own website. I don't advocate breaking the law to download a copy illegally but, hey, it's your choice.
Whilst listening to the songs on the album have a pen and paper handy and make a list of all the images that the songs generate for you. This will help you to try to visualise th mood of the album overall.
Use this list to create a mood board for the album using moodshare.
Moodshare is a free web application that allows you to create online mood boards - it is free and very easy to use.
Your mood board should visually illustrate the 'mood' of the album you have chosen. There will be a collection of images (and text if you want) that show your interpretation of the 'feel' of the album.
Create a post titled Chosen Album Mood Board and embed your mood board.
Please make sure that you also explain the process you went through to create the mood board. This is really important as it shows the examiner the process you have been through for this research task rather than the outcome alone.
For example you could include a photograph of your initial thoughts when listening to the album. If you want to earn extra credit, embed as many tracks from the album as you can into this post too.