Work through the list below, you will have done quite a few of them already, and ensure that what doesn't get done today is done by our next lesson.
Marshal and Liam - I need you to email me your A2 blog addresses. I cannot locate these.
- Remove the need for someone to type in word verification when posting a comment to your blog. Do this by going to your Blogger dashboard, selecting 'settings' and then selecting 'posts and comments'. There is then a drop down menu when you can change 'show word verification' from yes to no.
- Copy the first 2 posts from my blog to become the first 2 posts of your blog - these are the posts explaining what the Advanced Portfolio is and how it is assessed. Make sure the times of these posts are changed so that they become your first and second posts.
- Complete the task titled 'Independent Research : Music Experience and Behaviour in Young People' - this needs a post on your blog.
- Add a post to your blog titled 'Timeline of Pop Music' and place a link to the website
- Make a post titled 'A Music Video I Like' - this needs to have a music video embedded from Youtube together with a very brief explanation of why you like it.
- Read the post on my blog titled 'Music Video : A Little Bit Of History' and then create your own post with the same title - this can use the information in my post but can also be expanded upon through independent research of your own.